
Les mer om oss.

Benjamin Sommer

Agile coach & trainer, Innovation mentor

Les mer om Benjamin

Geir Amsjø

Certified Scrum Trainer, Agile coach

Les mer om Geir

Noen fornøyde kursdeltakere

«I really enjoyed these two days. This course was a nice and useful experience. Amsjø communicates the subject in an excellent way, and the exercises made it easy to understand the theory. I left the course with a feeling of “scrum has a structure and I want to learn and experience more of its potential.»

Ingeborg Stensvåg Eriksen
System developer

«Veldig matnyttig kurs som tar opp menneskelige faktorer og de grunnleggende ideene bak agile/scrum, såvel som de praktiske sidene. Inspirerende!»

Ingunn Skogstad O.
Senior testkonsulent i Kantega

«I attended a scrum master course given by Geir Amsjø. It was very interesting and I look forward to implement this in new/ongoing projects. Thanks Geir for the knowledge and the course.»

Prem Dayal S.
Software Portfolio Analyst

«Et meget grundig og lærerikt kurs. Ikke minst er det sterke fokuset på produktet, lærdom mange bør ta til seg. Anbefales!»

Atle Bersvendsen